Be Clear And No Need To Be Fixated On Performance
Consider the problem Caesar Chiper
coding test, you can google it.
Found the solution like below:
public static String caesarCipher(String s, int k) {
// Write your code here
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (char c : s.toCharArray()){
if ( c >= 'a' && c<='z'){
c = (char) ('a' + ( c- 'a' + k) % 26);
}else if (c >= 'A' && c<='Z'){
c = (char) ('A' + ( c- 'A' + k) % 26);
return sb.toString();
There’s no way, or at least just a tiny possibility to ‘remember’ it under the real test atmosphere, to me.
This code takes more time to read, moreover, you have to think that you are on a team.
Just be genuine to yourself, if you have some value to uphold, stand by it. If the performance
bothers you, keep in mind there are so many contexts
that a product can’t bring both performance
and flexibility
at the same time.
fun caesarChiper(s: String, k: Int) : String {
val strBuilder = StringBuilder()
val lowercaseAlphabet = arrayListOf<Char>()
val uppercaseAlphabet = arrayListOf<Char>()
for(char in 'a' .. 'z') {
s.forEachIndexed { index, it ->
var char = it
when (char) {
in lowercaseAlphabet, in uppercaseAlphabet -> {
val alphabetCharList = if(it.isUpperCase()) uppercaseAlphabet else lowercaseAlphabet
val encrypt = (alphabetCharList.indexOf(char) + k) % 26
char = alphabetCharList[encrypt]
return strBuilder.toString()