Workaround Of Composable Function Having So Many Arguments

less than 1 minute read


  1. Either you can use Interface and delegate (implement) it to viewModel (act as a Contract) or
  2. Make a class but initialize inside viewModel, val is much preferred

viewModel itself has already been remembered, so the class no need to be remembered either

Either I have to accept the fact that initialize mutableState is ugly inside a class or just get over it with those number of arguments.


Using ProvidableCompositionLocal<T>

Read about it here

for example

fun LocalComponentParameter(isDarkTheme: Boolean, screenDimensionIndex: Int) =
    compositionLocalOf {
            backgroundColorIndex = isDarkTheme.toInt(),
            screenDimensionIndex = screenDimensionIndex
val componentParameter: ComponentParameter
    get() = LocalComponentParameter(
        integerResource(id = R.integer.screen_dimension)

since we need it in composable functions, by design, it is to answer the problem.