Transforming Column Based Search To Document Based Search In Postgresql
Combining where clause and order clause is one thing.
But what about when the search result requires you to have a degree of relevance, and at the same time you have to maintain the performance…(?)
Postgre offers Text-Search Types
Just take a look at its documentation:
` PostgreSQL provides two data types that are designed to support full-text search, which is the activity of searching through a collection of natural-language documents to locate those that best match a query. The tsvector type represents a document in a form optimized for text search; the tsquery type similarly represents a text query. `
Just go and find out.
At least I have two references to start with:
From those references, they give you each the option to make the where clause for searching;
This approach:
workid, act, scene, description, body, ts_rank(tsv, q) as rank
scenes, plainto_tsquery('heaven earth') q
tsv @@ q
rank DESC
Or this approach:
select file_id, content from document_text where to_tsvector(content) @@ to_tsquery('(!bear & predict)| instruments');
Or you want to use ranking approach.
WHERE (ts_rank_cd(your_ts_vector_column, to_tsquery('``:*&term1:*&term2:*|term3:*')) > 0 )
So as you can see they support regex/wildcards, and the |
or &
are self-explanatory.
if you want to have multi-word search assuming separated by spaces, can add <->
every word like this
say the term we are looking for is “string builder”.
(ts_rank_cd(full_text_search, to_tsquery('``:*|stri:* <-> buil:*&otherterm:*')) > 0 )
go and find out yourself which one is better for you…
just make sure that your query should ignore case and common cases to handle non-word letters (what is it called? There is a term for it in Language Science and in Natural Language Processing).