Today i learned that it’s tough to implement https on lan

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In go itself, gin to be precise, the default is using http.

It would be not easy to deploy on LAN, where it gets accessed on another node.

Modern browser itself atleast requires SSL and thats the minimum, to allow us to procceed (with risk, as it is self signed certificate).

It is also different when it comes to deploy in http package and gin.

You can have http and https in the same port.

in http:

server.ListenAndServeTLS("server.crt", "server.key")

in gin

router.RunTLS(":3000", "server.crt", "server.key")

In gin you have to explore further, until I write this post, still doesn’t work.

Also for the connectivity test if the ping or telnet is not enough, you could try ncat, it’s inside nmap 7.92.

7.93 the current latest until this posted, the ncat command had a bug. Just go to the previous one.

the command: ncat -vz ipaddr port

the result

Ncat: Version 7.92 ( )
Ncat: Connected to
Ncat: 0 bytes sent, 0 bytes received in 0.09 seconds.