The pain of multiple commands conflict in ios development during build using cocoapods
Supposed you have to maintain very outdated codebase of an iOS App. Upgrade to convenient iOS build version and smoke test it.
Then the nightmare comes out.
Multiple commands produce '/Users/user/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/xxxxxApp/xxx...
I can understand the pain.
First, try to google them, you would find some stackoverflow that helps a bit.
Check the Build Phases for Duplicates. If you ensure nothing duplicates. Then it’s not your fault, relax despite the gaslighting is undertaking.
Check your Podfile configuration.
You ask to chatGPT or chat AI you like, how to decide if app use pod library only or framework only?
Library vs. Framework
Library: A collection of precompiled code (static or dynamic)
that your app links to directly. It's typically more lightweight,
offering only the code needed for the specific functionality it provides.
Framework: A more modular package that includes not just code,
but also resources (like images, nibs, localized strings, etc.)
and additional functionalities.
It may also provide its own runtime environment and API.
Read again your error, is that generated from package’s frameworks? If so, try to use the library only.
something like
target 'YourAppTarget' do
# Remove or comment out `use_frameworks!`
# use_frameworks!
# Use modular headers for Swift dependencies
# e.g. Alamofire
pod 'Alamofire', '~> 5.6'
try to do pod install
Product -> Archive again.
And promise yourself to be better, you have to humble yourself enough that the process my involve some luck along the way.
I am half joking tho, somewhat true, but you know the drill. iOS/mac development is too fancy to be .