Journey of architecting so far

1 minute read



  • [Codebase Architecture] Transformation of god Activity to a Model View Presenter architectural pattern. Thus the MVP pattern in mobile is becoming a trend along with Model View ViewModel.


  • [Codebase Architecture] Transformation of Model View Presenter to Model View Intent architecture, now along with MVP and MVVM, this "google official" is emerging to become a new trend.


  • [Codebase Transformation During Production] With minimum changes as possible, we go with MVP and Agnostic-Pragmatic approach. We take the developers’ characteristics, estimation time, also maximum benefits to gain in the future as the biggest factors.


  • [Codebase Dark Age] Best Practices are imposed, new approaches, ‘official packages’ presence somehow bring entitlement. Questionable arguments and inconveniences become apparent.


  • [Composable Architecture] Architecting Composable while combining existing ViewModel, also adapting automation of linters using github actions and .githooks


  • [Architecture Enhancement] CI CD to be more convenient, using CircleCI, AppCenter, more focusing on product we create, and improve to capitalize the product effectiveness.


  • [Architecture Transformation] Legacy Code Monolithic to Microservices, fully automated deployment, iterative over and over again, made use of it. Achieve development, and engineering team satisfaction. The first time it took months, the next time we can do it in a Single Day for Microservices, and we implement Jenkins on the second day.