Display A Scrollable Zoomable Pdf On Android Jetpack Compose

2 minute read


Right after seeing other apps can show a .pdf file on Android, you then wonder how, googling, and stumbled upon the API documentation regarding it:


next, you know something that the idea is to transfer the pdf content on bitmap

 public void render(@NonNull Bitmap destination, @Nullable Rect destClip,
                           @Nullable Matrix transform, @RenderMode int renderMode) {


The documentation is still not sufficient to get what you want, thus you go to the sample.

PdfRendererBasic Kotlin

You get the idea know.

  1. Get the file, put in the storage,
  2. Open the file using ParcelFileDescriptor
  3. Initialize the PdfRenderer
  4. Create a bitmap
  5. Send, or render the Pdf Contents to Bitmap
  6. close() the pdfRenderer including its renderer.oopenPage when every content has been rendered
    fun openPage() {
        pdfRenderer?.let { renderer ->
            for (i in 0 until renderer.pageCount) {
                val page = renderer.openPage(i)
                val ratio = page.width.toFloat() / page.height.toFloat()
                val originalBitmap =
                    Bitmap.createBitmap(page.width, page.height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888)
                page.render(originalBitmap, null, null, PdfRenderer.Page.RENDER_MODE_FOR_DISPLAY)
                yourObjectWithOtherParametersList.add(YourObjectWithOtherParameters(bitmap = originalBitmap))

ok, that’s the part one.

the rest is to display the pdf bitmap to UI.

Then you realized
you need a zoom, a scroll functionality

google it.

or this is a good repo to do that

use it, and put it up on Image compose.

then you realized again, I want the next page functionality using scrollable too

1 You need a flag to detect the edge of Pdf Image.
It can differentiate between scroll of Column/Row and the Image itself.

  1. From number 1, you need flags for TopTreshold, RightTreshold, BottomTreshold and LeftTreshold.
  2. You need mutable value of scaleX and scaleY
  3. Mind that if the scale is 1 (default), the edge flags are in no need.
  4. Enable the Column/Row scrollable when the treshold and the offset is incremental (bigger offset > x or smaller offset < x) is true
  5. Mind that nestedScroll functionality is required in this one, whether it is NestedScrollConnection or other approach.

look up for enable/disable scroll in Column/Row.

or see this stackoverflow

This is the sample of the idea.

fun PdfSection(yourObjectPdfList: List<yourObjectPdf>) {
    val isScrollAllowed = remember { mutableStateOf(false) }

        state = listState,
        modifier = Modifier.disabledHorizontal
    ) {
        itemsIndexed(yourObjectPdfList) { index, yourObjectPdf ->
            Box(modifier = Modifier.pointerInput(Unit) {
                forEachGesture {
                    awaitPointerEventScope {
                        do {

                            yourObjectPdf.isXtreshold.value =
                                translationX.absoluteValue == (scaleX / -0.005f).absoluteValue
                            if (yourObjectPdf.isXtreshold.value) {
                                yourObjectPdf.isXtresholdLeft.value =
                                    translationX > 0 &&
                                        translationX.absoluteValue < yourObjectPdf.offsetX.value

                            if (yourObjectPdf.scale > 1) {
                                if (yourObjectPdf.isXtreshold.value) {
                                    if (yourObjectPdf.isXtresholdLeft.value && offset.x < 0)
                                        yourObjectPdf.offsetX.value += offset.x
                                    else if (!yourObjectPdf.isXtresholdLeft.value && offset.x > 0) {
                                        signPdf.offsetX.value += offset.x
                                    } else if (yourObjectPdf.isXtresholdLeft.value &&
                                            yourObjectPdf.offsetX.value <=
                                                yourObjectPdf.offsetX.value + offset.x
                                    ) {
                                        isScrollAllowed.value = false
                                    } else if (!yourObjectPdf.isXtresholdLeft.value &&
                                            yourObjectPdf.offsetX.value >=
                                                yourObjectPdf.offsetX.value + offset.x
                                    ) {
                                        isScrollAllowed.value = false
                            } else {
                                isScrollAllowed.value = false
                        } while (event.changes.any { it.pressed })

You definitely can do better :)
