Bottomsheetdialog No Modalbottomsheetlayout No Scaffold And Its Scrim

1 minute read


Say you want to make a BottomSheetDialog that:

  1. Has no Scrim Layout
  2. Can do interaction behind it (its main layout)
  3. Just a simple one (visible and inVisible),
  4. As for implications there’s no need modalBottomSheetState just visible (expand) and hide (invisible)

Have a look at the codebase here, the ModalBottomSheetLayout() part

You realize the ModalBottomSheetLayout is using BoxConstraintLayout

Skip the Box() and its Scrim() one, they are the MainContent()

Just hop in to the Surface that is the ModalBottomSheetContent() from API

You can get them as a reference

The key is the offset{} Modifier

Then you can use BoxConstraints(){constraints.maxHeight} to get the layout fullHeight,

The default alignment is Top, assuming maxHeight takes a whole screen, then use the offset with y using that value

If you want to get the content height, use the onGloballyPositioned{} remember the height there

 val sheetHeightState = remember { mutableStateOf(0) }

 .onGloballyPositioned {
    sheetHeightState.value = it.size.height

Now you get the height of that layout, substract the maxHeight with it.
Make use of the animateIntOffsetAsState() to apply Modifier.offset{}

val currentHeight = animateIntOffsetAsState(targetValue = IntOffset(0, if(isVisible) maxHeight -  sheetHeightState.value  else maxHeight))

apply it to the Surface

private fun CustomDialog(
    isVisible: Boolean,
    modifier : Modifier = Modifier,
) {

    BoxWithConstraints(modifier) {
        val fullHeight = constraints.maxHeight
        val sheetHeightState = remember { mutableStateOf(0) }

        val currentHeight = animateIntOffsetAsState(targetValue = IntOffset(0, if(isVisible) fullHeight -  sheetHeightState.value  else fullHeight))

                .offset {
                .onGloballyPositioned {
                    sheetHeightState.value = it.size.height
            shape = BottomDialogShape,
            elevation = 0.dp,
            color = Color.Transparent,
            contentColor = Color.Transparent
        ) {
            Column {